MCN Farming Begins

MCN Ventures
2 min readJul 24, 2021


Over the past several weeks, MCN Ventures has been hard at work forming partnerships and incubating promising projects. Today, we are delighted to announce the beginning of MCN’s community token distribution via multi-token farming in partnership with xDollar.

Starting on Saturday, July 24 at 20:00 GMT, users can farm MCN tokens and xDollar’s XDO token by staking XDO at Farming will be open for 45 days.

After 48 hours, additional pools will open where users can stake MCN to earn XDO and MCN, or stake MCN-USDC Sushi-LP to earn more MCN. This marks the beginning of MCN’s liquidity-provider rewards. These rewards will be emitted over 180 days to encourage continued liquidity provisioning and MCN holding.

3% of MCN’s total token supply has been allocated towards these new farms. MCN tokens held by GP/LPs will be locked for at least 3 months in a vesting contract before farming starts. All remaining MCN tokens are currently held by the GP multisig Gnosis Safe.

How to farm MCN using XDO

  1. Bridge XDO from Polygon to Ethereum using the Anyswap Bridge. See here for a full tutorial on how to bridge XDO.
  2. Visit
  3. Make sure you are connected to Ethereum Mainnet.
  4. Connect your wallet.
  5. Approve and deposit the bridged XDO tokens into the farm.
  6. Congratulations. You are now farming MCN!

